Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Maybe I have OCD about Colour??

Last night I worked with an autistic like pedantic-ness to sort out my Buttons and Thread.

Now some might gasp and say “but you have several large boxes to unpack – why do something so trivial?”??

I know, I hear ya and I see that teetering pile of boxes, but I was driven by a greater force.
I was having dreams about it, I was thinking about it at work I was consumed with it and then I saw the several posts on Amy’s blog about colour, and it was almost like fate. I just had to do it.

So I spent around 3-4 hours sorting out all my threads and buttons by colour

And then placed each colour into separate plastic bags and then into Vintage tins.

I can now sleep and think clearly – I think sometimes I do have a little OCD in me!!


Amy Badskirt said...

*gasp* let me say that I have button and thread envy! you've got an amazing stash there!

Veronica Darling said...

I must have caught the same bug, I just sorted the threads and buttons into colours as well on Sunday! ARGH

Kylie said...

Been there, babe... I know your compulsion...
VERY satisfying result, I'd say! Now you'll be able to do all the other things :) K

Unknown said...

Yeah well you might but don't you feel better now , lol !

Verimaz said...

i can totally dig it, i got a new thread box and had to group them all by colour.
next stop my buttons...