There is a limited range at Spotlight and they're a bit exy at $12 a jar, but oooo i just LOVE them!! With names like "white gold", "smoky quartz" and "lapis lazuli" who can resist them!!!
Sadly, the massive range as seen here at "Such Pretty Things" isn't available in Australia, AND Amazon wouldn't let me buy it.
You're not alone - I love Martha too!! I must show and tell my Martha buys soon. Nic
I knew the minute I found out how much you love Martha that we were meant to be friends!
Wow! What are you thinking of doing with them Bec? K
You need to pay Rockdale Spotlight a visit. The Smurf and I were there last week and they had a whole lot of Martha stuff (and assorted other stuff - mostly crap_ in tubs near the craft section. We scrounged and easily found some glitter tubs and got a pink one (Smurf's choice) for $3.95 although only because the fabric department didn't know what the yellow sticker meant.
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