Monday, January 18, 2010

Well hello 2010...

Well hello 2010. You look nice - promising, adventurous and full of opportunities. I’ll try to make the most of you and get all I can out of you. I won’t waste you on sleeping in, watching TV, driving around and around in shopping centres or buying cheap crap.

I will instead try to spend you doing the following:
- cooking new and different meals each night, all from scratch. All from fresh ingredients
- buying as much organic produce as I can from small, local grocers or farmers markets, AND attempting to grow some of our own
- making clothes for myself and buying less. Especially from places that specialise in what feels like “disposable clothing”. A few nice new pieces here and there but NO poorly made rubbish.
- walking more (and hopefully losing 10kg!!)
- educating myself (I’ve already signed up for a learn to sew class)
- seeing more of our friends and entertaining more
- de-cluttering our lives. Clothes, bags, bits and bobs and just general crap that is cluttering up our lives. Both Mr Honi and I are over it.
- flossing EVERY day (dental hygiene is VERY important!)
- writing letters rather than emails
- taking more photos
- being more patient
- enjoying more of the outdoors
- crafting lots and lots
- getting honi design to where I want it to be (I’ll tell you more about this later)

Dear readers I know this is a bit of a belated “resolutions” list, but I’ve had to spend a bit of time away from my blog to realise what it was that I REALLY wanted out of this year- especially for honi design. I have a good idea now and am busting at the seams to start. There’ll be lots of stuff to show you in the next few months

I’ve missed you all dearly though and hope that you continue to come back and share in my adventures of 2010!

ps - I took this pic on my mobile at a roadside stop on the way up to QLD for Chrissie. Isn't it the most relaxing, peaceful scene?


Kylie said...

I love your list! Love the photo too - so hyper-real :) Happy New Year Bec and best wishes for a fabulously crafty creative year. Kylie x

Veronica Darling said...

Best of wishes for 2010 to you darling!

Can't wait to hear about your design ideas!