I'm playing Nurse Nancy to my dear Mr Honi - and before you ask; No, there are no costumes involved!!!

He had surgery yesterday to strip the bad veins from his legs. This picture doesn't look nearly as bad as it looks in real life - so many little nicks and cuts, and they're all sticking to the TED stocking. Poor Mr Honi.
So, sitting in the waiting room at the hospital yesterday was perfect time to work on a bit of crochet. I've started on my first attempt of the 200 blocks - seems i need to brush up on ending my rows though, as I've not quite mastered that yet. I'm fine with Granny squares, but working in rows is a new skill for me.

Oh, and I was getting a hand cramp the other day, and rather than go out and buy a new hook, I fashioned myself a wide grip from Fimo - and viola no more cramping!! What do you think?

Jump on Over to Kootoyoo for more Creative Spaces!
Poor Mr Honi indeed!
I LOVE your fimo grip...that's crafty. x
Crochet is the perfect hospital activity. My Nana taught me to crochet in a hospital. I can see why you had to get that crochet book - very tempting. I love the apricot and olive green flower block on the upper left - want it!
Oh that really looks painful - hope it's all over soon.
I think your crochet looks fab - don't you just manipulate it into shape when finished? That's wjhat I do. Never trust those airbrushed photos I say! ;)
You are a wonder woman! (Did you used to watch that on TV? I'm twirling around as I type :)) Your Fimo grip is the best thing :) Great space Bec. Kx
p.s. Just wondering... does your DVD player work with zone 1 DVDs? You know, the US ones? I found Auntie Mame but only from the US :)
Ouch - that looks and sounds sore. At least one of you could be creative at this time - good idea with the fimo! Nic
Very resourceful of you, the crochet grip.
Poor guy. Hope he's on the mend quickly!
Oh, that looks awful. Poor Mr Honi.
Would you believe I've been meaning to drop by since I saw you at The Quilt Project and have only just made it. It was lovely to meet you way back then.
Loved the link you sent me recently too.
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