I make lots of little different things but I don't have one item that screams "honi design". For example, each and every one of you can recognise the work of some of these lovely girls : "The Black Apple", "Aunty Cookie", "Lara Cameron", “Hokey” and "PipiJoe".
I don't know if it's because of my Gemini "Twin sides" but everything I make has a different feel to it. There are no recurring themes, trends or distinguishing features about my work. I love all sorts of “feels” too. The 50’s and 60’s kitsch, 70’s things, floral things, shabby chic, smooth Swedish style design- and I guess each different thing I do reflects a different selection of my passions.
I would like to be REALLY good at one thing- not just ‘kinda good’ at everything. But which “thing” do I focus on? I love too many things!
Was it hard for all of you to come up with your signature items that make you unique?
Sorry, this isn’t like me to have a post like this, but it dawned on me last night how scattered my work is! I was making the clay moulds (post below) and then I stopped doing that and made these rings below out of Buttons and Wire. I showed Mr Honi and he loved them but in showing him I realised how completely random the two things were. Then I started thinking about having a stall at a market and how dis-jointed it would be – like 10 different people submitted work.
Maybe diversity is my “thing"

Bec I know how you feel. I think bags became my thing (and they still are) but now I've also started branching into other things.
Did you make those rings?? They are grand. Im sure you will find your thing while tweeking other things :) YOu can be a jack of all trades...why not.
Cheers Kyla
PS- how are the wedding plans coming along??
WOW! to have little old me mentioned in the same sentance as all those amazing folk, thanks so much! I think it's great to do as many differnt things as possible. I do, it's just that the stuff I make to sell seems to have a certain asthetic. The most important thing is to enjoy the process of creating. Do what you love is the best advice I have ever recieved
Hollie x
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