......master of none. Having a bit of a "deep think" at the moment. Basically I LOVE all types of craft- photography, knitting, paperwork, beading, wire work, quilting, painting, sewing –“MAKING THINGS” in general.
I make lots of little different things but I don't have one item that screams "
honi design". For example, each and every one of you can recognise the work of some of these lovely girls : "
The Black Apple", "
Aunty Cookie", "
Lara Cameron", “
Hokey” and "
I don't know if it's because of my Gemini "Twin sides" but everything I make has a different feel to it. There are no recurring themes, trends or distinguishing features about my work. I love all sorts of “feels” too. The 50’s and 60’s kitsch, 70’s things, floral things, shabby chic, smooth Swedish style design- and I guess each different thing I do reflects a different selection of my passions.
I would like to be REALLY good at one thing- not just ‘kinda good’ at everything. But which “thing” do I focus on? I love too many things!
Was it hard for all of you to come up with your signature items that make you unique?
Sorry, this
isn’t like me to have a post like this, but it dawned on me last night how scattered my work is! I was making the clay moulds (post below) and then I stopped doing that and made these rings below out of Buttons and Wire. I showed Mr
Honi and he loved them but in showing him I realised how completely random the two things were. Then I started thinking about having a stall at a market and how dis-jointed it would be – like 10 different people submitted work.
Maybe diversity is my “thing"