Monday, April 13, 2009


I Promised myself that I'd get this finished before the wedding - and I DID IT!!!! IT's my very first quilt that I've completely finished. I am sooooo proud of myself!

You can see Steve in the background sitting on my sewing table, just watching everything I do.

Ps- I bought a metal quilting foot from eBay and it is soooo much better!! Note to self - never buy plastic sewing feet.


Jessica Lonard (The Crafty Librarian) said...

Bec, this is awesome! I'm so impressed :o)

Two Peas In a Pod said...

Great job on the quilt, have a great wedding day and make sure to post pictures!
Kyla and Blake

Veronica Darling said...

It's amazingly HUGE and colourful! Well done!

AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR WEDDING IS SO SOON! All the best with the last final days, and wishing you guys all the best over the weekend!