Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cause I' leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again

Well actually, I left yesterday and I'll be back in 2 weeks!

I've been seconded for work to the Philippines for 2 weeks. Thriller in Manila. I could have probably stayed longer, but with planning the wedding and chrissie I didn't want to cause any additional stress!!
So here I am. Typing from my cooly air conditioned hotel room, while outside the humidity awaits- its suffocating dampness overwhelming. The horn toots are endless and the whole place smells like sandalwood. The people here are SUPER friendly and all the hotel staff remember your name. It's crazy!!!

So while I am gone, here are a few piccies of the sights. For the highly un-travelled me, it's been a complete brain explosion!!
This was on the plane over. The sunset was amazing

This is the hotel lobby. That picture on the far left hand side is actually a tapestry. Yes you heard right a TAPESTRY!!!! It is completely insane. Makes my little embroidery projects pale in comparison!!

This is the view from my hotel room

and this is the view from our office. I have never seen anything like it in my life. I couldn't believe the smog, and the sprawling abodes. It really took my breath away.

I will have some more posts later in the week after I manage to do a bit of late night shopping :)

Mr Honi - I love and miss you so much!! xxx


SadieandLance said...

Woo Hoo, work travel is great for the frequent flyer account! Have fun!

Veronica Darling said...

Take care! You're such a jet setter!!!

Jessica Lonard (The Crafty Librarian) said...

Have a great time! I'm heading over to Singapore later this week, and your pics made me more excited :o)