If this blog were a child, I'd be hauled into the slammer for neglect with my child sent to a foster carer who would tend to the child like it deserved. Luckily this is only a blog, however but oh how I have neglected her and you dear readers.
I'll give you my usual spiel – work is nuts. But I don't want to go on about that. I've realised I need to either shut-up and get on with things or leave my job. But I don't want to leave so I will just shut up. I will however take less 'to heart' (a frustrating trait to mellow) and I have also stopped the late hours. The dizzy spells, daily sickie tummy, nausea, headaches and blurred vision were my bodies "slow down" hints.
There's been loads of crafting – jewellery making, gardening, knitting for Born to Knit – I even ventured into the world of Video Tutorials and have made several knitting and crochet basic lessons!! They've even been watched too! I did them for a few friends and was delighted to hear that 2 people have now learnt to knit from them!
So why haven't I blogged – well, bloggging seemed to consume me for a bit. I've been a little obsessed with Pintrest and Instagram (find me as honidesign ) as it's so easy to share. Couple of clicks and I've posted. Will I be back – yes I will for sure. Maybe I'll actually post more over at 'From Shirley Withy Love' – they label under which I've been selling my wares. Speaking of wares, I'll be selling some more of my jewellery soon. I'll let you know more about that when it happens.
For now, I'll sign off with a 'see you shortly' because I'll be back, I promise
EDIT: Here is the link to my Tutorials!